Henk Pasman Photography


Henk Pasman was born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

My education started at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, dept.painting and graphic art. During this education i also practised photography, and after completing the Academy i decided to continue my studies at the Royal Academy of Artsin The Hague, dept. photography.

Graduated in 1993.

In my work I pursue to see a photo as an autonomous image. This is not new in the visual arts. However in photography it still is a challenge, as an image mostly has to meet the needs of a journalistic or advertising notion. Rarely this photo will be judged on its own merits.

In my latest series, I seek to portray men in their urban landscape.

How contemporary human beings set out in an environment created by themselves.

Their relationship with and place in this environment is my basic assumption for my most recent work: Interiors, Locations, cityscapes/landscapes and Other things in landscapes



all images ©Henk Pasman 2024

Instagram @henkpasman